Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oh my god......

Oh my god. I couldn't believe it myself. I've been selected. Not that I want to brag here, but still...Never thought that my MTV + Me Channel ID will be selected since when we presented during the class, my classmates' MTV were so much better. Anyway, previous MTV on the you tube that I had posted, I made some changes after the critic. So hope you guys like it ya......

3 essentials:

The Littlemei September 20, 2008 at 12:43 PM  

hey sharon!
congrats on your achievement! ;)
i can see that you've refined your work pretty much alot i may say...
i remembered yours was a 30 second thingy ryte?

well, glad that you've refined your work cause it's nice and better than the one before. It's much faster and catchy. Love your art movement ;)

till then, *big hug*

-xiao mei-

Sharon Sen September 21, 2008 at 2:52 AM  

Thanks for the comment....And welcome back to your bloggy.....the previous one...well...em...what can I say....SEXY...

RYAN|TOMMO September 24, 2008 at 7:39 PM  

Great stuff. i can foresee it playing on the real MTV! =DD
Keep up the great works!

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