Saturday, January 12, 2008

Corporate website

1. Tabulated navigation system is a very good way to save space and easy to excess to the content straight forwardly. It is very good way to give lots of information in a very constraint area.

2. A rollover effect that served as a purpose of sub-navigation is a clever idea to bullet out each point to link to and show out information.

3. Sandbox is a new way to connect with the user, where survey was conducted in another window and always value customer opinion not just based on their product but their interface user friendliness. They even provide login user system which might make the user more like a part of them.

1. Possibility it can be 3 columns or 4 columns division of content.

2. A big space to fill in the content. Though inconvenient to scroll all the way down, to me information based here is very important. Hence, it is alright.

3. Definitely a 4 columns division of content. A well planned organizing with sub-navigation on the side. (Easy to understand and easy to excess.)

4. Big space to write the contents, but unfortunately the indication on which page you are in now is only viewable on the tab icon of title. It would be even better if the indication can be placed within the navigation icon to indicate which page you are in, or a big title on the content.

1. Blank space. Not well planned for the screen size.

2. Misleading pictures. It is neither icons of navigation nor served as a purpose of selling point. To me, if I am a first time user, this type of pictures are somehow clickable, hence it lead to misleading.

3. Rollover effect which the fonts changed its colour and blinking arrow. However, for the bigger size of content on the left hand side, it does not link to anywhere though it does not has the effect on the fonts changed its colour, only the blinking arrow.

4. 2 homes icons. It is unnecessarily. Nonetheless, the corporate logo placement on the top left of the website, to me, is an ideal placement.

5. Sadly to say that the sub navigation which contain the most important issue had been place on the second rank/level in the placement. Normally it will on the very top list. In addition, the top list is place with “Frequently asked questions”, which I think would be best on the lowest list after the most important issues had been clarified.

6. A cheesy flash animation. In my opinion, the size is too big and should give the space for the content area, which is the most important for any corporate website.

7. A repetition on icon clickable similar to bullet point 4. “Free Wallpaper”, 3 clickable icons on the same page is unnecessarily.

8. Space wise that the top will be given a bigger area so that the i-frame will be unnecessarily, or just to set out the priority on the main focus.


Identity for corporate website, in my opinion, is to serve as a purpose on giving out information of a certain company and to communicate with the stakeholders/shareholders. Therefore, the main focus for a corporate website is their information. Linda Volkers, a consultant at “Jungle Rating” who is responsible for online communication projects and is specialized in communication strategy, organizational advice and online financial communication, mentioned that, “….getting into an online active dialogue with stakeholders”, is the key role to play in corporate website. [1] However, for my personal experiences while browsing through Yakult site, I felt a bit lost and not too much information that I need to know to invest in it. On the other hand, contrary to the information to invest, introducing the company itself in this site had done a tremendous good job. The whole process of how the yakult was made from, and history of the company had been explained with full details and simple to understand.

As for McDonald, it has a very straight forward grid system, and to my opinion it is a good thing, as in corporate website, hierarchy and easy excess to the information is really important.

The content based had been divided into either 3 or 4 columns which to me is a very neat layout. The spacing given to fill out the information is very straight forward and it is easy to link to the related pages for the viewer to explore.

There is a slight imperfection, which had been mentioned on the bullet point above, the indication of which page the viewer is in now.

Overall, a very good information based either in introducing the company, or sharing out information about their company profile, or even their events and news.

Lastly, IBM also has a very straight forward grid system, and to my opinion it is a good thing, as in corporate website, hierarchy and easy excess to the information is really important.

The focus point on this website is their USP (Unique selling point), which is in the middle part with the biggest portion. Together with their catchiest title attention, viewer a bound to check it out more.

Overall, very good information based either in introducing the company, or sharing out information about their company profile, or even their events and news. Addition to that, they cleverly make used of every single space to present their information and it does not seem too crowded.

2 essentials:

Anonymous,  January 16, 2008 at 3:00 AM  

Detail study, you have shown some rather in dept analysis.

A bit supprised as Mcdonalds website is designed this way. Although it suits the CI and it has very good quality content, but somehow the art direction is not very interesting if comparing to Mcdonalds Malaysia (

Sharon Sen January 16, 2008 at 9:03 AM  

After checking out the website from Malaysia's McDonald, I was as surprised as you too. Perhaps there are some reasons they designed in that way. Will check on more details about their strategy system.

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